Congress Centrum Alpbach - Alpbach Tourismus GmbH

Alpbach Tourismus GmbH
Alpbach 246
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Tirol, Österreich
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Forests for People 2012

Die Konferenz FORESTS FOR PEOPLE ist Teil einer Kampagne der IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations), die die gesellschaftliche Bedeutung des Waldes mit Praktikern, Wissenschaftlern und der interessierten Öffentlichkeit thematisiert und zu einer verbesserten Berücksichtigung dieser Thematik beitragen möchte.

2 Tage
22 Mai 2012 - 24 Mai 2012: 6236 Alpbach
Mehr Informationen

The conference is one important part of the new IUFRO strategy based on six thematic areas. The aim of this conference is to build a systematic body of knowledge about “forest for people” and its various facets, including possible future trends and challenges.
This conference and the following up process want to integrate not only the knowledge across all divisions but include the knowledge outside IUFRO.
The main themes of the conference are:

Livelihoods - issues of agro-forestry, food security, fuels, poverty alleviation, and human dislocation Health, Recreation and Tourism - issues of human health, recreation and nature-based tourism Urban and Rural Landscapes - issues of ecosystem services, economic benefit and development, spaces and places for living Culture and Education - issues of perceptions of forests, spiritual character, education, historical tradition and practice, communication and governance

The conference is addressed to forest managers, scientists, science administrators, policy makers and the interested public audience.
The conference is organized by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, Department of Landscape, Spatial and Infrastructure Sciences.