Theresienhof - Urlaub mit Herz

Egger Straße 19
9581 Petschnitzen
Carinthia, Austria
Logo Theresienhof
  • UZ-License1118
  • accessible
  • bicycle
  • non smoking
  • quiet area
  • suitable for people with allergy
  • WIFI
  • WIFI in rooms
  • fair trade products available / fair trade partner
Price Category
  • 30 to 60
Hotel stars
  • ?
Additional Offers
  • child-friendly
Business Location
  • distance to bus500 m
  • distance to town center2 km
  • distance to train3 km

As an ecologically oriented company we take our responsibility for our environment very seriously an strive to achieve improvements in all areas in order to preserve a healthy environment worth living in for future generations.

It is important to us to actively involve our guests in the environmental measures we take and to bring them closer to the importance of environmental protection. Our actions pursue the goal of continously improving environmental protection.

We carry the Austrian Ecolabel because we aim to make our contribution to a sustainable an clean environment. After all, our environment and our nature is our greatest asset, which we have to protect for the future!

Luftansicht des TheresienhofsFrühstücksbuffet TheresienhofFahrrad lehnt an PicknicktischQualitätssiegel KärntenLakebike