Palais Meran, Theater im Palais und MUMUTH der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz
Leonhardstraße 158010 Graz
Styria, Austria

With more than 2.300 students in Graz and Oberschützen, the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz – the KUG – is an internationally renowned place of education. With 17 institutes, 2 doctoral schools and a centre for gender studies it offers highly qualified training as well as research and development and exploration of the arts. The university located in the heart of Europe combines Austrian tradition in music and the performing arts all the while positioning itself in a uniquely contemporary direction. At the center of the work of all of our staff at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz are the students. The University connects seemingly opposing elements and perspectives, forming a basic principle of „interplay“ that determines and defines the profile of the entire university. This includes: university AND society, art AND science, teaching AND research, with development and exploration of the arts, practice AND reflection, tradition AND modernity, local AND international.