Römerstadt Carnuntum
Hauptstraße 1A2404 Petronell-Carnuntum
Lower Austria, Austria

Roman City Carnuntum
In Carnuntum, the Roman era can be experienced with all senses. For this purpose, part of a Roman City was re-built at the original location, a worldwide unique experience. The scientific basis for the reconstruction, which was carried out in antique handicraft technology and manual work, was based on years of research, from which information about architecture, heating technology, building functions, use of space and interior fittings could be obtained. In the reconstructed Roman city quarter you are literally a guest in the Romans‘ living rooms. All buildings are giving a glimpse into Roman society. Together with decorative details and furniture a unique time frame to the early 4th century has thus been opened.
The aim is to vividly present the history and basic scientific research associated with the Roman City of Carnuntum. Antiquity comes alive again in the Roman city quarter with its reconstructed ancient buildings as well as in the amphitheaters and the heathen’s gate.
The Museum Carnuntinum is the treasure house of the Roman City Carnuntum and possesses the most important collection of 140 years of scientific research in Carnuntum. Erected in 1904 it’s the first excavation museum in Austria. Today the museum shows a large part of the collections on ancient Carnuntum and is furthermore a center of scientific research of the archaeological landscape of Carnuntum.
The past begins here.