Kulturhaus Emailwerk

Anton-Windhager-Straße 7
5201 Seekirchen am Wallersee
Salzburg, Austria
  • UZ-License1138
  • accessible
  • bicycle
  • equipment for seminars
  • non smoking
  • seminar
  • technical equipment for seminars
  • WIFI
Business Location
  • distance to bus250 m
  • distance to hotel10 m
  • distance to restaurant15 m
  • distance to town center100 m
  • distance to train750 m

The cultural center "EmailWerk Seekirchen" is located in one of the most beautiful areas close to Salzburg. It was opened 2005 as regional center of arts and was established within a short time as place of art-production and events for the most cultural sections. The "EmailWerk" is operated by the culture association "KunstBox". On the inside of the small exclusive venue is a theatre for up to 200 visitors in the ground floor and on the gallery. The venue is equipped with a modern technical infrastructure, light and audio engineering.

A various program expects the public: Music in all its varieties, an interesting movie and theatre program, the entire spectrum is enough from literature to breakdance battles. The culture association "KunstBox" is examining the relationship between the typical landscape and the identity of the region. And they invest a lot of time and money into the largest capital of our society - our children - to improve their creativity. Every year more than 300 cultural events, art-projects, productions and seminars take place. The program is well known and accepted by the culture-interested public of the whole region.

Respect for and protection of nature and resources has always been an integral part of the cultural association's DNA. Since 2005, the cultural association Kunstbox has been playing with art, specifically with land art, in the landscape of the Salzburg Lake District. In 2015, the Kunstbox cultural association founded the Repair Café Salzburger Seenland for the region, which was taken over by the Salzburger Seenland regional association and is still in operation today. The annual focus themes of our work also testify to our belief in the possibility of contributing something sustainable through our work. Since our founding, we have felt committed to the world we help to shape and ultimately leave behind, and thus also to a healthy environment.
