LK-Technik Mold der Landwirtschaftskammer NÖ
Mold 723580 Horn
Lower Austria, Austria

The Bildungswerkstatt Mold is the seminar and training center of the Landwirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich near the city of Horn right in the heart of nature of the Waldviertel.
Our customer groups include the agricultural population, students as part of their education, agricultural institutions and seminar guests who wish to further their professional or personal education, as well as individual travelers and travel groups looking for recreation and relaxation.
For you we offer
• varied seminars in the fields of agricultural engineering, IT, personal development, technology and crafts, cooking, baking
• competent support in the preparation and implementation of seminars and meetings
• modern seminar infrastructure: ten seminar rooms, six training workshops, a spacious course kitchen and a hall for presentations
• 38 comfort rooms, regional kitchen and a natural landscaped courtyard