Restaurant 1809 am Bergisel

Bergisel 2
6020 Innsbruck
Tyrol, Austria
  • UZ-License1441
  • accessible
  • restaurant
  • WIFI
  • fair trade products available / fair trade partner

The historic ground of 1809 is not only home to the Tirol Panorama Museum, but also to our Restaurant 1809. With our gastronomic programme, we inevitably also bear responsibility for our environment.

We constantly endeavour to work in an environmentally friendly and resource-saving manner in all areas - from purchasing, food production, use of cleaning materials, waste management, energy and water consumption to barrier-free parking without tickets and transport.

Bernhard Niggler, Managing Director of Bergisel Betriebsgesellschaft and Ski Austria Academy St. Christoph am Arlberg, mentions an important central point: “WE as the Bergisel team are tackling all of these issues together and invite our guests to support us in doing so. With transparent communication of goals and successes, annual staff training and a feedback culture from both staff and guests, we are working together step by step to achieve ever greater sustainability”.

With our colourful mix of guests from the region and all over the world, our sustainable actions set an example for Austria and, in global terms, for the whole world.