Veranstaltungsräume und Catering der Wirtschaftskammer / WIFI NÖ - St. Pölten

Wirtschaftskammer-Platz 1
3100 St. Pölten
Lower Austria, Austria
  • UZ-License1439
  • accessible
  • bicycle
  • certified catering
  • equipment for seminars
  • garden outside
  • non smoking
  • restaurant
  • seminar
  • technical equipment for seminars
  • WIFI
  • AMA-Gastro-label
  • catering on site
Additional Offers
  • child-friendly
Business Location
  • distance to bus150 m
  • distance to hotel450 m
  • distance to restaurant450 m
  • distance to town center2,30 km
  • distance to train2,50 km

The Chamber of Commerce of Lower Austria (WKNÖ) provides legal representation of the interests of those active in commerce in Lower Austria. Its task is to represent the interests of the self-empolyed in the most varied branches of the economy as against the general public and politics. The co-operation with organisations and bodies at home an abroad on levels of political, commercial and social partnership brings new impulses and a predictable environment.