Schoellerbank Invest AG
Sterneckstraße 55027 Salzburg

Schoellerbank Invest AG is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Schoellerbank AG. Schoellerbank, founded in 1833, is one of Austria's leading private banks and is considered a specialist for high-end asset management. It focuses on its core competencies of investment advice, asset management and pension management. The investment philosophy is defined by the motto “investing, not speculating” The funds of Schoellerbank AG are managed by Schoellerbank Invest AG. Schoellerbank Invest AG is one of Austria's fastest-growing and most innovative fund companies. In addition, Schoellerbank Invest AG is successful with individual special funds for institutional investors.
For almost 20 years, Schoellerbank Invest AG has been managing sustainable investment funds, making it one of the pioneers in this exciting field. Initially only a niche market, but one that attracted increasing attention. In recent years, demand for sustainable products has increased significantly, which shows that Schoellerbank Invest AG not only recognized an interesting topic at an early stage, but can also optimally cover it with sustainable offers. Over the years, a high level of in-house expertise has been built up on this topic. Schoellerbank Invest AG has developed a two-stage process that collects suitable investment metrics to evaluate environmental and social characteristics. In the first stage, the investable securities universe is defined by clear exclusion criteria. In the second stage, the remaining issuers are subjected to positive screening based on defined criteria. Schoellerbank Invest AG works with independent ESG rating agencies that have internationally recognized expertise in all areas related to sustainable and responsible investment.
Global risks require global answers. These sometimes exceed the influence of a single investor. For this reason, we are part of ISS ESG's collaborative engagement, and thus participate in joint public relations work by means of dialog with companies on material sustainability issues. By working together with a large number of investors with the same interests, we hope to significantly increase the effectiveness of our engagement goals. This gives us the opportunity to act in a focused, clear and more successful way in our engagement activities.
The topic of sustainability is integrated at the fund and company level (remuneration policy, strategy & management, performance management and “sustainable pay for sustainable performance”) within the framework of the group to which it belongs. As part of the ESG Committee of Schoellerbank Invest AG, an intensive exchange of information with the Management Board of Schoellerbank Invest AG takes place at least quarterly. Topics from the previous reporting period are discussed and information is provided, an overview of the current status is given and an outlook on future activities is illustrated. The ESG Committee serves to generate ideas and make decisions related to sustainability.
The range of sustainable funds offered by Schoellerbank Invest AG is constantly being expanded.
Schoellerbank ESG Dynamisch
ISIN: AT0000A36G52 (A), AT0000A36G60 (T), AT0000A36G78 (VT)
- The Schoellerbank ESG Dynamic is a sustainable mixed fund.
- At least 50% and up to 80% of the investments are made in international equities of first-class companies.
- The rest of the fund's assets are invested in bonds with the best credit ratings.
- The investment fund is managed based on the proven Schoellerbank quality criteria and in accordance with sustainable principles.
Schoellerbank ESG Europe Equity
ISIN: AT0000A3GA95 (A), AT0000A3GAA1 (T), AT0000A3GAB9 (VT)
- The Schoellerbank Ethik Aktien is a sustainable European equity fund.
- The investment fund is managed based on the proven Schoellerbank quality criteria and in accordance with sustainable principles.
Schoellerbank Ethik Aktien
ISIN: AT0000913942 (A), AT0000820378 (T)
- The Schoellerbank Ethik Aktien is a sustainable international equity fund.
- The investment fund is managed based on the proven Schoellerbank quality criteria and in accordance with sustainable principles.
Schoellerbank Ethik Vorsorge
ISIN: AT0000820477 (T), AT0000809447 (T)
- The Schoellerbank Ethik Vorsorge is a sustainable, mixed fund and is suitable as a pension investment fund for building a private pension.
- At least 30% and up to 70% of the investments are made in international equities of first-class companies.
- The rest of the fund's assets are invested in euro bonds with the best credit ratings.
- The investment fund is managed based on the proven Schoellerbank quality criteria and in accordance with sustainable principles.
Schoellerbank Vorsorgefonds
ISIN: AT0000902424 (A), AT0000820402 (T)
- The Schoellerbank Vorsorgefonds invests exclusively in first-class euro bonds.
- Only sustainable Austrian issuers are considered.
- The fund is suitable for covering pension provisions and is gilt-edged.
- The proven Schoellerbank bond rating system is used to determine the term.
- The aim is to generate an attractive return with the greatest possible security.
- The investment fund is managed based on the proven Schoellerbank quality criteria and in accordance with sustainable principles.