Mann mit Putzmitteln beim Reinigen

Household & Cleaning

Environmentally friendly products in the household are for the most part detergents. Ecological cleaners are biodegradable, have a high cleaning performance and less packaging material. Reusable instead of disposable packaging, which consume raw materials, increase the waste mountain and thereby burden the environment. That's why the Austrian Ecolabel promotes returnable packaging and reusable systems as an environmentally friendly alternative.

Copyright by Marcinjozwiak auf pixabay.

How chemicals harm the climate

The production of chemicals consumes energy and raw materials, causes huge amounts of CO2 emissions. And thus drives climate change! But let's take it one step at a time ...

Company headquarters in Zirl, Tyrol. Copyright by Hollu.

Hollu - ecological cleaning made in Austria

Cleaning companies in Austria focus on environmentally friendly cleaning agents and cleaning products. Outstanding among them is the Tyrolean GmbH hollu, which has been in existence since 1905. At that time, the founder Julius Holluschek laid the foundation stone of the hygiene specialist's production.

Pernauer. Copyright by Pernauer.

Pernauer - Combining resource conservation and cleaning performance

Pernauer produces many of the bigood products sold by a large Austrian drugstore chain. But other household cleaners or detergents are also produced by Pernauer and carry the Austrian Ecolabel.

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