SEA Save Energy Austria GmbH
Franz Josefs Kai 13 / 12-131010 Wien
Vienna, Austria

Save Energy Austria ist ein Energiedienstleister, der sich auf die Umsetzung von energieeffizienzsteigernden Maßnahmen im Haushaltsbereich spezialisiert hat. Ziel ist es, durch diese Maßnahmen großflächig CO2 einzusparen und Unternehmen bei der Kompensation von schwer vermeidbaren Emissionen zu unterstützen.
Save Energy Austria Energiesparservice
As many of the newly installed boilers and the associated hydraulics are not optimally energy efficient, but are set to maximum output, up to eight measures are carried out as part of the SEA Energy Saving Service to increase the energy efficiency of the heating systems. The measures are carried out by trained service technicians during maintenance visits to the boiler companies. This ensures that only technicians specially trained in the heating system to be optimised carry out the measures and that no additional energy consumption is incurred due to travelling. The following measures are carried out as part of the SEA energy-saving service:
Optimisation of the combustion parameters
Adjustment of the draught regulator
Cleaning the boiler
Checking and adjusting the boiler temperature
Checking and adjusting the heating curve
Configuring the heating times for each heating circuit
Optimising the heating times for hot water preparation
Setting the hot water temperature
Optimising the hot water circulation
The measures are documented in a specially developed app. The technician can enter all information about the household and the parameters changed on the heating system as part of the service in this app. In addition, the household must confirm that the service has been carried out correctly with a signature. The data is then automatically uploaded to the Save Energy Austria platform and stored securely. At the same time, the energy savings achieved by the service are calculated during the upload.