KELAG Naturstrom GmbH
Arnulfplatz 29020 Klagenfurt
Carinthia, Austria

KELAG Naturstrom GmbH was founded at the end of 2020 as a 100% subsidiary of KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft.
The company's business is the construction and operation of facilities for the production, distribution, procurement, delivery, and commercial sale of renewable energy, as well as trading in renewable energy. This allows KELAG Naturstrom GmbH to supply customers who increasingly want particularly strictly certified electricity. This green electricity is subject to strict criteria, and must come from renewable energy sources such as biomass, geothermal energy, sun, wind, and hydropower according to specified ratios.
KELAG Naturstrom GmbH currently holds no participations.
pursuant to § 78 and § 79 ElWOG 2010 and the Power Labeling Regulation 2022 - KEN-V 2022 for the period 01.01. to 31.12.2022
Supplier Mix
- 95,89 % solar energy
- 2,69 % wind energy
- 1,4 % other renewable energy
= 100% solar energy and renewable energy
The energy certificates of origin are 100% from Austria.
The generation of the supplier mix by KELAG Naturstrom GmbH does not result in CO2 emissions or radioactive waste. 100% of the energy certificates of origin were purchaced together with the electrical energy.