BUZIL-Werk Wagner GmbH & Co. KG
Fraunhoferstraße 1787700 Memmingen

Perfectly clean - perfectly sustainable
Buzil is the competent problem solver and reliable partner for first-class and at the same time efficient cleaning in almost all areas. Based on more than 100 years of experience, the family-owned company continuously develops, produces and sells new cleaning and care products for the highest demands. In addition to professional building cleaning, the areas of application also include sector-specific applications in industry, hotels and restaurants as well as in old people's homes and care facilities. The outstanding products, the constant development of new application solutions and practical services help Buzil customers in more than 35 countries to make their everyday work easier and more efficient.
In addition, the Private Label business unit implements individual customer wishes from the initial idea to the finished product in a tailor-made way.
For Buzil, perfectly clean and also perfectly sustainable are always the top priority.
The Edition Planta® from Buzil not only meets the highest standards of cleaning performance, but also meets the strictest European standards in terms of environmental protection. From surfaces and floors to sanitary facilities and glass - the user-friendly complete system includes sustainable cleaning solutions for all areas of application. In other words, an all-round clean solution based on extensive experience: For more than twenty years now, we have been intensively involved with the subject of ecology. The knowledge gained in this way is used to continuously improve our entire product range - and the Edition Planta® has even been awarded the EU Ecolabel and the Austrian Ecolabel.
However, Buzil's commitment to environmental protection goes far beyond simple product development. Our environmental management system was certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001 for the first time in 2002, and since 1995 our company has also been involved in the Bavarian Environmental Pact with voluntary additional environmental protection services. Planta®: So everything is perfectly clean (Mit Sicherheit perfekt sauber) and at the same time perfectly sustainable (Mit Sicherheit perfekt nachhaltig).

Corridor®+ Multi Stripper P 937
Grundreiniger für wasserbeständige und alkaliempfindliche…
Corridor®+ Protect Glossy P 938
geeignet zum Einsatz in Krankenhäusern, Heimen und in Bereichen mit Desinfektionsmitteleinsatz; für beschichtbare und wasserbeständige Bodenbeläge wie z. B. PVC, Linoleum und Elastomerbeläge; beschichtbare PUR-vergütete Beläge; ebenfalls einsetzbar auf Natur- und Kunststeine
Öko-zertifiziert; widerstandsfähige umweltverträgliche Rezeptur; metallsalzfrei; sehr gute Füllkraft und guter Verlauf; Flächendesinfektionsmittelbeständig; mit der High-Speed-Maschine polierbar; Beständige Optik und hoher Glanz; Rutschhemmend gemäß DIN 51131; Für die Pflegefilmsanierung geeignet; Anwendbar auf restfeuchten Bodenbelägen; Gute Haftfähigkeit auch auf Böden, die nur oberflächlich trocken sind; Hervorragend geeignet für den Einsatz mit Planta® Multi Stripper P 321