Zimmer mit Holzmöbeln

Building & Living

Fabulous living - wooden furniture, which are awarded the Austrian Ecolabel, guarantee the lowest possible indoor air pollution, which creates an important condition for health and well-being in our living spaces. Especially for products that come into direct contact with the skin, it is important that they are health-friendly.


Kind und Hind liegen am Holzdielenboden

katze schläft

Modern living room with wooden floor, seating and a view of a tree. Copyright by Susanne Stark.

Updated Ecolabel guidelines for building products

In times of growing environmental awareness and increased commitment to sustainability, the selection of environmentally friendly building materials is of the utmost importance. In this context, the Austrian Ecolabel for construction products is a decisive orientation aid and becomes the basis for sustainable procurement programmes of the federal government (naBe) and the provinces of Vienna, Lower Austria and Vorarlberg.

Zimmer mit Bett

Room with wooden floor. Copyright by Scheucher.

A strong Ecolabel for Scheucher Holzindustrie GmbH

The Austrian company Scheucher Holzindustrie GmbH has held the EU Ecolabel for wooden floors since March 2023. This makes the company the first parquet manufacturer in Europe to be authorised to use this cross-border Ecolabel. It guarantees the environmental friendliness, durability and high quality of the labelled products. Read more about this here.

Sports hall from the inside. Copyright by Thomas Belazzi.

Ecolabelled building products guarantee added value

It is not only particularly important for school buildings that tested ("healthy") building materials are used in their construction and interior design. Building products with the Austrian Ecolabel guarantee health and well-being. Dr Thomas Belazzi pays particular attention to both. He is a recognised expert in ecological building and managing director of bauXund forschung und beratung gmbh in Vienna (www.bauxund.at).

Skyscrapers under construction with construction cranes. Copyright by C Dustin on Unsplash.

Federal building criteria apply the Austrian Ecolabel

In Austria, the federal government spends almost 1.3 billion euros a year on building construction projects. The money flows into the refurbishment, new construction, repair and maintenance of schools, hospitals, prisons and other public buildings. The construction-relevant guidelines of the Austrian Ecolabel play an important role here!

Ecolabel logo with various plastic building products

Austrian Ecolabel as a guideline for public procurement in the building sector

When awarding construction contracts, public authorities can do a lot to raise awareness of the issues of climate protection and the circular economy, while at the same time reducing environmental impacts.

Bild vom Prototyp des Hauses

The vivihouse: A building philosophy put into practice!

What is "circular economy building"? For example, the Austrian vivihouse project! This is characterised by a modular timber frame construction system. Only renewable raw materials are used for multi-storey buildings.

Processing WDVS. Copyright by Sto Österreich.

Mission "Build Consciously"

This is the mission Sto Österreich Ges.m.b.H. is on! Because the technology leader in the field of thermal insulation is pursuing a vision: to make built living spaces more humane and sustainable. One element of this is the StoTherm Wood composite thermal insulation system, which was certified with the Austrian Ecolabel in April 2022. Read more about it here!

Kindergarten exercise room with sun in the flooring. Copyright by True Photo by Oliver Erenyi.

linum & oleum

Both together make linoleum, a sustainable floor covering. The company Gerflor GmbH produces DLW Linoleum. The aesthetically pleasing floor coverings, which have been awarded the Austrian Ecolabel, protect health and the climate.

Facade in the state of construction. Copyright by BMLRT, Alexander Haiden.

New Austrian Ecolabel Guideline for Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS)

Thermal insulation of buildings saves fossil fuels and, by reducing CO2 emissions, helps to prevent the earth from overheating. Exterior walls are therefore provided with insulating materials and covered with weather protection (plaster or similar). The two combined make up: a composite thermal insulation system.

Robotic production of a solar panel. Copyright by GREENoneTEC.

The sun does not charge!

And it shines every day. The Austrian company GREENoneTEC supplies the best technology for converting the sun's rays into energy. The world market leader in the field of thermal flat-plate collectors is also the only Austrian collector manufacturer to bear the Austrian Ecolabel. And exports from Carinthia all over the world. Read more about an Austrian success story here.

Company KE KELIT at night. Copyright by KE KELIT GmbH

An Austrian success story since 1945: The KE KELIT GmbH in Linz

"We use raw materials very carefully and sparingly. For our products, we use high-quality materials that last for decades. Especially as a family business we think in terms of generations: Environmental protection is important to us as a family, but as a globally active company we are also committed to the future of our planet."

Plumbing pipes, Copyright by Harreither

On the right track since 1982: Harreither GmbH received the Austrian Ecolabel

Harreither GmbH is a family business founded in 1982 and based in Gaflenz, Upper Austria. The company is successfully engaged in the development and manufacture of plastic pipes and fittings for surface heating & cooling as well as drinking water systems with the highest quality requirements.

Wilhelminian-style house in Vienna (Copyright: Capatect GmbH)

Exemplary insulation and renovation with renewable raw materials

Parts of the facade of a Gründerzeit house in Vienna were insulated with hemp fibre insulation boards from the Ecolabel licensee Capatect from Perg (Synthesa Group). As a result, massive savings in energy and resources could be achieved and sound insulation was significantly improved.

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