Welcome to the „Green World “ of the Austrian Ecolabel

katze schläft

Kind und Hind liegen am Holzdielenboden


Natural beauty in the garden: environmentally friendly garden furniture

Spring is coming! And with it comes the time when we particularly enjoy being outside again. The green garden oasis can be embellished with attractive garden furniture that invites you to linger. If you want to think about the environment as well as your own comfort, make a conscious decision in favour of sustainable garden furniture that ensures an environmentally friendly outdoor feel-good experience. So how can the outdoor area be furnished sustainably?

Aktion UmweltTipp! 2024

Mobility in the city. Copyright by klimabündis.at/Julian Schuh.

Green Academy: Sustainable mobility management

As part of the Green Academy, klimaaktiv mobil informs about the current subsidies "Active Mobility and Mobility Management" as well as the BMK's "Electromobility Offensive". The Austrian Ecolabel presents its new criteria catalogue with a focus on "mobility".

Blick über Judenburg vom Sternenturm aus

Cows on meadow (Pixabay / PhilippT)

Tourism, eco-labels and poetry

What does environmental certification mean for tourism? What can the ecolabel achieve for entrepreneurs and guests? And how does poetry fit in?


Technological wonder and environmental role model: the Technische Museum Wien

The Vienna Technical Museum sees itself as a future-orientated and socially effective institution that is guided by the idea of sustainability. It is enthusiastic about technology and science and fascinated by their impact on people and society. The museum shares this enthusiasm with its audience and reflects together with them on the socio-political consequences of technological progress.

KunstHaus Wien Renovation (Copyright: KHW / Isabella Petricek)

KunstHaus Wien: Hundertwasser house sustainably converted

The KunstHaus Wien shows how it's done: the sustainable conversion of the museum in the Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna's third district underlines the relevance of the constant environmentally friendly commitment of companies already certified with the Austrian Ecolabel. But companies that would like to be certified can also find inspiration here.

Kunsthaus Graz as a pioneer in sustainability

The Kunsthaus Graz is proud to have established itself as a "green museum" and to be facing up to the challenges of climate change. The award of the Austrian Ecolabel for museums marks a significant milestone on the way to becoming a sustainable institution.

Ready sieved compost

Black gold: composting correctly

Before the beds can be planted in spring, the waste collection point from last year must first be moved and the windrow from the year before last can finally be sieved to obtain fresh compost - the black gold of the garden.

Two people cycling. Copyright by Österreich radelt/Martin Mathes.

Cycling together for the environment - every bike ride counts!

The successful motivation and awareness-raising campaign "Austria is cycling" will start a new main season from 20 March to 30 September 2023. Many municipalities, businesses, clubs and schools throughout Austria are already on board as organisers, because cycling is known to make people fit and happy. In addition, they are also committed to climate protection.

KInder bei Schuleinkauf im Geschäft

Austrian Ecolabel award Weissensee (Copyright: BMK)

22 Carinthian Companies awarded with the Austrian Ecolabel at Lake Weissensee

On February 9, 2024, 22 sustainably managed companies were awarded the Austrian Ecolabel by Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler at the Weißensee Haus in Techendorf at Lake Weißensee, Carinthia.

Filmstudio. Copyright by Foto von Brands&People auf Unsplash

Filming with responsibility: costumes and sustainability

The production of films and other audiovisual works for cinemas and television is associated with a high consumption of resources and therefore has a negative impact on our environment. In view of the climate crisis, the film industry is also called upon to act more sustainably. In recent years, this realisation has led to a growing movement within the industry.

Eco-friendly costumes in the theatre - a look behind the scenes

As a pressing issue of our time, the climate crisis has long since found its way onto the stage and has been increasingly in the spotlight in contemporary theatre productions for years. As places of cultural education, theatres offer space to sensitise people to social issues and challenges and to encourage sustainable action and thinking. However, it is not enough to simply address the topic in terms of content.

Modern living room with wooden floor, seating and a view of a tree. Copyright by Susanne Stark.

Updated Ecolabel guidelines for building products

In times of growing environmental awareness and increased commitment to sustainability, the selection of environmentally friendly building materials is of the utmost importance. In this context, the Austrian Ecolabel for construction products is a decisive orientation aid and becomes the basis for sustainable procurement programmes of the federal government (naBe) and the provinces of Vienna, Lower Austria and Vorarlberg.

Sustainable financial products: new version of the guidelines

On 13 December 2023, the new version of the Austrian Ecolabel guidelines for sustainable financial products (UZ 49) was adopted by the Ecolabel Advisory Board. The biggest change: from now on, sustainable loans (green loans) can also be certified.

Green Events Austria and nabe symposium. Copyright by Anja Grundböck.

Green events for Austria - the administration as a pioneer

At the naBe & Green Events Austria symposium, 120 event experts from all over Austria from both the administrative sector and the industry met at the Ankersaal in the Kulturhaus Brotfabrik in Vienna. The event was certified as a Green Event with the Austrian Ecolabel.

Environmental Management Award. Copyright by BMK.

Top performance with the Austrian Ecolabel

Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler was also able to present this year's Environmental Management Award to three companies that are certified with the Austrian Ecolabel and scored with their outstanding achievements: Druckerei Janetschek from Heidenreichstein in the Waldviertel, BKS Bank from Klagenfurt and Henriette Stadthotel Vienna.

The European Parliament in Strasbourg. Copyright by VKI.

Austrian Ecolabel in the EU Parliament

The Austrian Ecolabel made a strong presentation at the EU Parliament in Strasbourg from 16 to 18 October 2023. Together with the Blue Angel from Germany, the Nordic Swan from the Scandinavian countries and the Dutch Milieukeur, the importance of national quality labels was pointed out to the EU parliamentarians. The motto of the exhibition in the busy area in front of the canteen of the EU Parliament: Together we are strong.

World Ecolabel Day: Into the future with credible labels

On the occasion of World Ecolabel Day on 12 October 2023, which celebrates quality labels worldwide, the Austrian Ecolabel hosted a seminar in Brussels. During a seminar, EU parliamentarians and their assistants were informed about the credibility of governmental quality labels - and pointed out future challenges. The seminar is part of a series of events - after the seminar in Brussels, there will be a fair at the European Parliament in Strasbourg to illustrate the variety of certified products for EU parliamentarians.

Austrian Ecolabel and EU Ecolabel awarded to 27 tourism businesses in Salonplafonds. Copyright by Enzo Holey.

First tourism destinations Seefeld and Wagrain-Kleinarl as well as 27 tourism businesses receive awards

Together, Austria's tourism industry is sending a strong signal for sustainability and future security: 27 companies from tourism and gastronomy received the Austrian Ecolabel from Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler and Tourism State Secretary Susanne Kraus-Winkler at a festive award ceremony on 6 September. 13 of the award-winning companies also received the European equivalent, the EU Ecolabel. For the first time, 2 tourism regions were certified in addition to companies.

Art and culture businesses with the Austrian Ecolabel. Copyright by Weinwurm Fotografie.

28 cultural and event enterprises newly awarded the Austrian Ecolabel

Austria's cultural landscape is once again enriched by several resource-saving and environmentally conscious businesses: On 5 September, 28 cultural and event businesses were honoured. For the first time, institutions from the theatre and cinema sector were also included. Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler and State Secretary for the Arts and Culture Andrea Mayer presented the awards at the Haydn Cinema in Vienna.

Coin collection from which a plant grows. Copyright by Unsplash/Towfiqu barbhuiya.

12% domestic fund assets in Ecolabel funds

The Financial Market Authority (FMA) has published its annual report for 2021. Encouraging: Investments according to the guidelines of the Austrian Ecolabel for Sustainable Financial Products (UZ 49) continue to increase strongly. Almost 12 percent of Austrian fund assets are invested in UZ 49 funds.

Korb mit Umweltzeichen-Produkten

Green Claims Directive against greenwashing

The European Commission has presented a new law to combat misleading environmental claims. With it, Brussels wants to take stronger action against greenwashing.

Person vor Hecke

World Ecolabel Day

8 October is World Ecolabel Day - the international day for national Ecolabels. Independent, governmental Ecolabels are based on transparent criteria and sound third-party verification and are a credible barrier against greenwashing. What is your opinion? Support your colleagues by answering a short questionnaire.

A sea of blooms. Copyright by Austrian Ecolabel.

In focus: The Ecolabel in practice - market control

Not only the strict, transparent criteria and the independently prepared expert opinion ensure that Ecolabel products also deliver what they promise. The Association for Consumer Information (VKI) also tests products from all guidelines for correct use of the Austrian Ecolabel.

In focus: Guidelines in detail - Part IV - Ecolabel driving schools

While a driver's license allows us to use cars, it does not exclude so-called multimodal mobility, i.e. the use of multiple methods of getting around. The Austrian Ecolabel driving schools are thinking different ...

flowering meadow

Infothek biodiversity

What does biodiversity mean? What can everyone contribute to the protection of biodiversity? Every contribution is important!

In focus: Guidelines in detail - Part III - sustainable travelling

The guideline UZ 72 "Travel Offers" is all about designing sustainable travel offers. It was known long before it came into force in 2008 that man-made climate change is a major problem. And that is also the core of the requirements.


The National Library. Copyright by Austrian Ecolabel.

In focus: Guidelines in detail - Part Two - sustainable education

The guideline for tourism and leisure enterprises contains specific requirements for museums. The first mandatory criterion is: "Integration of education for sustainable development into the educational work". What`s about?

A sea of blooms. Copyright by Austrian Ecolabel.

In focus: Guidelines in detail - Part One - biodiversity

In the guideline for tourism and leisure businesses, there is a requirement in criterion UZ 200-F05 to motivate businesses to contribute to the promotion of biodiversity.