Technisches Museum Wien mit Österreichischer Mediathek

Mariahilfer Straße 212
1140 Wien
Vienna, Austria
Logo Technisches Museum Wien mit Österreichischer Mediathek
  • UZ-LicenseGM 124
  • accessible
  • bicycle
  • non smoking
  • restaurant
  • WIFI
Additional Offers
  • child-friendly
Business Location
  • distance to bus450 m
  • distance to hotel50 m
  • distance to restaurant50 m
  • distance to town center5,20 km
  • distance to train700 m

About the Technisches Museum Wien (Vienna Museum of Science and Technology)

Across an exhibition space of about 22,000 m2, the Technische Museum Wien offers room for exceptional insights into the world of technology – ranging from unique historical objects to innovative technologies. Together with its visitors, the museum reflects upon the development of technology and science and their contemporary effects on society. As a place of encounter and exchange, the Technisches Museum Wien mit Österreichischer Mediathek offers a platform for discussion, encouraging and enabling visitors to contribute to future models and develop ideas of progress in a critical and visionary manner.

As Austria’s largest museum of science and technology, the institution sees itself as a place of learning and discourse within society that bridges the realms of science, education, economy and society. The museum’s work is guided by the notion of “sustainability” in an effort to act in a future-oriented and socially effective manner. As a framework definition, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs for short) are used, which define a globally recommended target for sustainable development in the fields of ecology, society and economy.


Our environmental performance

We have already implemented the following measures for the environment/the ecolabel:

As an important out-of-school place of learning, we would like to provide information and knowledge to as many people as possible to raise their awareness of sustainability and environmental protection. We therefore continuously address environmental and climate protection issues in our permanent and special exhibitions and offer varied educational programmes with a focus on aspects such as renewable energy, waste management, nuclear power and climate change.

Naturally, we are also committed to sustainability and environmental protection in our operations and handle resources carefully, whether water, energy, packaging materials or office supplies. As far as waste is concerned, our motto is “Reduce, reuse, recycle”, which we also apply in exhibition construction by dismantling exhibitions and reusing materials. We not only save energy for lighting and air-conditioning, but even generate our own power using three photovoltaic systems. That way, half of the electricity needed for our depot in Haringsee is generated on site. Our museum shop also offers more and more sustainable and regional products.

The Technisches Museum Wien does not only have excellent public transport connections; a charging station for electric cars, a Citybike station and bicycle parking racks are also located in the immediate vicinity. On our website or in personal dialogue, we ask both our visitors and our staff members to use eco-friendly means of transport.

We are constantly making efforts to further reduce our ecological footprint. To this end, we also encourage our staff members to contribute their feedback and ideas, which not only results in viable and creative solutions, but also increases general awareness of environmental protection.


We carry the ecolabel because …

...knowledge can make the world a better (and more eco-friendly) place.

26 Events

Spender_innenabend 2024
2 December 2024

14 January 2024

SMART WORLD - Eröffnung
18 October 2023, 1140/Wien

Eröffnung: Innovation Corner (Tecnet)
2 October 2023, Wien 1140

3rd Vienna Workshop on STEM Museums, Gender and Sexuality
6 September 2023 - 8 September 2023, Wien 1140

23 August 2023, Wien/1140

1 June 2023, Wien/1140

Empfang „Blick hinter die Kulissen“
23 November 2022, 1140/Wien

Eröffnung BioInspiration
25 October 2022, 1140/Wien

Eröffnung: Innovation Corner
3 October 2022, Wien/1140

Archivgespräche Mediathek
3 May 2022, Wien 1140

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