Fairsport Events e.U.

Am-Ostrom-Park 11/7
1220 Wien
Vienna, Austria
  • UZ-LicenseGM 084

FAIRSPORT EVENTS e.U. offers the professional organization and execution of sporting events. His event "GLOBAL 2000 FAIRNESS RUN presented by Blooming Austria" has been nominated for the Green Event Award four times in a row, has been awarded three times and is the first and so far only sporting event to receive the Austrian Ecolabel.

4 Events

6. Vienna Trail Run 2023
15 October 2023, 1090 Wien, Am Cobenzl

adidas Vienna Uni-Run 2023
1 June 2023, Wien/1020, Rotundenplatz/ Kaiserallee/ Prater Hauptallee

5. Vienna Trail Run 2022
16 October 2022, 1190 Wien, Am Cobenzl

Läufer beim Wiener Fairness RunLogo Fairnessrun