The Austrian Eco-label for "Green Meetings and Green Events" is awarded to events that are organised professionally and in an environmentally sound manner.
Licensees have the competence to organise and certify environmentally friendly events for their customers.
If an enterprise organising events is interested in getting a licence, initial information is provided by the Consumer Information Association (Verein für Konsumenteninformation). A consultant trains the staff members of the enterprise and assists them on their way to licensing. Licensees must appoint a Green Meeting agent and, in the enterprise itself, have to furnish proof of their competence in sustainable office management. In the process of planning and implementing an event, criteria from the following fields are taken into account:
- Offers of environmentally sound mobility as well as CO2 reduction
- Environmentally friendly accommodation
- Requirements on the conference venue, the catering and any exhibitions
- Environmentally friendly procurement, material and waste management as well as technologies
- Social aspects, communication
Selectable optional criteria take account of the specific situation like the size, offer, equipment or location. In this way, also special priorities, for example in connection with
organic food or offers for barrier-free facilities, are rewarded.