KitzKongress GmbH
Josef-Herold-Straße 126370 Kitzbühel
Tyrol, Austria

Kitzbühel – 365 days as a year-round destination for meetings and congresses
The most legendary city of sports in the Alps has established itself as an internationally conveted MICE destination in recent years with renowned events such as the Global Wellness Summit, the M&I Forum or the Orthodontic Congress.
Our Convention & Congress Center “KitzKongress” is also the perfect choice as the setting for your kick-off meeting, your innovative conferences or your next international congress. With its unique atmosphere, KitzKongress offers you the highest level of flexibility for your congresses and conferences in the heart of the “chamois city” – a region where lifestyle meets tradition and the mountains become an inspiration. A summit meeting is guaranteed!
Our customers enjoy the opportunity to hold their break-out sessions in up to 11 additional rooms in addition to the plenary, which seats up to 750 people in theatre seating.
Free catering & technical partner choice, Wi-Fi free of charge for all participants as well as the possibility to have each event licensed as a "Green Meeting" complete our offer.
5 Events
Lehrlingswettbewerb 2022
Organised by: Wirtschaftskammer Kitzbühel, Location: K3 KitzKongress
8 November 2022, Kitzbühel, 6370
Auszeichnungsfeier Lehrlingswettbewerb 2018
6 November 2018, Kitzbühel 6370Österreichische Energieagentur - BM A. Rupprechter verleiht EMAS, Umweltzeichen und klimaaktiv mobil Auszeichnungen, Mariahilfer Str. 136 1150 Wien
Organised by: Österreichische Energieagentur / Ministerium für ein Lebenswertes Österreich, Location: K3 KitzKongress
22 September 2017, Kitzbuehel 6370
ÖHV Kongress 2015
Organised by: Österreichische Hoteliervereinigung, Location: KitzKongress GmbH
11 January 2015 - 13 January 2015, 6370 Kitzbühel