Kulturhaus Dornbirn
Rathausplatz 16850 Dornbirn
Vorarlberg, Austria

For years, we have been trying to make the most resource-efficient use possible at Kulturhaus Dornbirn. Our partners also strive to be as environmentally friendly as possible. Our catering uses exclusively local products and always offers a seasonally matched range of organic products and fair-trade food.
The central location in the city and the optimal connection to the network of public transport also enables an environmentally friendly alternative for the transfer of visitors.
Our maxim is customer satisfaction. This includes the careful use of natural resources. Our green meeting offer is an integral part of our portfolio.
23 Events
e5-Zertifizierung 2022
Organised by: Energieinstitut Vorarlberg, Location: Kulturhaus Dornbirn GmbH
20 October 2022, 6850 Dornbirn
7. Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz
Organised by: Inatura Dornbirn, Location: Kulturhaus Dornbirn GmbH
28 June 2022 - 1 July 2022
Musial "Solve IT! - Die Zeit läuft"
Organised by: Jugendbotschafter*innen für UN-Kinderrechte und SDG der Caritas Auslangshilfe, Location: Kulturhaus Dornbirn GmbH
26 April 2022 - 27 April 2022, Dornbirn
e5-Zertifizierung 2021
Organised by: Energieinstitut Vorarlberg, Location: Kulturhaus Dornbirn GmbH
21 October 2021, Dornbirn
Neujahrsempfang Amt der Stadt Dornbirn
Organised by: Amt der Stadt Dornbirn, Location: Kulturhaus Dornbirn
10 January 2020, Dornbirn
Neujahrsempfang für Vereine
Organised by: Amt der Stadt Dornbirn, Location: Kulturhaus Dornbirn
9 January 2020, Dornbirn
17. Vlbg. Hospiz- und Palliativtag 2019
Organised by: Bildungshaus Batschuns, Location: Kulturhaus Dornbirn
9 November 2019, 6850 Dornbirn
16. Vlbg. Hospiz- und Palliativtag 2018
10 November 2018, 6850 DornbirnAdventfeier der Caritas Vorarlberg
22 December 2017, 6850 DornbirnAbend des Ehrenamtes
Organised by: Amt der Stadt Dornbirn, Location: Kulturhaus Dornbirn
2 October 2018, 6850 Dornbirn
Neujahrsempfang für Vereine
Organised by: Amt der Stadt Dornbirn, Location: Kulturhaus Dornbirn
10 January 2019, 6850 Dornbirn
Neujahrsempfang Amt der Stadt Dornbirn
Organised by: Amt der Stadt Dornbirn, Location: Kulturhaus Dornbirn
11 January 2019, 6850 Dornbirn
Abend des Ehrenamtes
Organised by: Amt der Stadt Dornbirn, Location: Kulturhaus Dornbirn
15 October 2019, 6850 Dornbirn
Sportlerehrung der Stadt Dornbirn
Organised by: Amt der Stadt Dornbirn, Location: Kulturhaus Dornbirn
13 April 2018
15. Vlbg. Hospiz- und Palliativtag 2017
4 November 2017, 6850 DornbirnMontagsforum (Duplikat)
Organised by: Europäische Akademie für Geschichte und Kultur, Location: Kulturhaus Dornbirn
29 May 2017, 6850 Dornbirn
Vlbg. Hospiz- und Palliativtag 2016
5 November 2016, 6850 DornbirnEthikforum 2016
26 February 2016, 6850 DornbirnRaiffeisenzinsgespräche 2016
2 December 2015, 6850/Dornbirn54. Int. Chemiefasertagung
16 September 2015 - 18 September 2015, 6850/DornbirnVlbg. Tourismusforum
Organised by: Vlbg. Tourismus, Location: Kulturhaus Dornbirn
17 June 2014, 6850/Dornbirn
Organised by: Europäische Akademie für Geschichte und Kultur, Location: Kulturhaus Dornbirn
3 June 2013, 6850 Dornbirn