Universität Wien, Veranstaltungsmanagement

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ISIR Annual Conference - International Society for Intelligence Research 2022

ISIR stands for the International Society for Intelligence Research

The focus of the society is on human intelligence, but we are also interested in cognitive abilities in other species. Artificial intelligence is not a current focus of the society.

Certificate number
Organised by
Jakob Pietschnig, Universität Wien
Hauptgebäude der Universität Wien
3 days
25 July 2022 - 27 July 2022: Wien, 1010
More infos

ISIR stands for the International Society for Intelligence Research

The focus of the society is on human intelligence, but we are also interested in cognitive abilities in other species. Artificial intelligence is not a current focus of the society.

Intelligence is a ‘hot topic’. We welcome well-conducted studies, as well as theoretical articles from a variety of perspectives including psychometrics, genetics, individual differences, evolutionary theory and neuroscience. We share a commitment to civility, open dialogue, and respect. Intelligence is a trait. It is an important one with links to many significant outcomes through multiple pathways. Although scores on many measures, including intelligence-type tests, can be ranked from low to high, these ranks do not apply to people, or their value – just to trait scores.

In the absence of global pandemics, we hold an annual conference in July. The venue usually alternates each year between the USA and Europe. Scholars attend from all over the world to present their latest research, listen to new findings, and explore older ones.

The journal Intelligence, while not directly affiliated with ISIR, publishes articles, in topics around individual differences related to reasoning and related topics (e.g., creativity, aptitudes).