Volksschule St. Oswald bei Freistadt

Markt 72
4271 St. Oswald bei Freistadt
Upper Austria, Austria
  • UZ-LicenseS 236

The primary school with 8 classes is situated in the East of the “Mühlviertel” region in Upper Austria. With approximately 125-160 pupils, we want to make a mark in our 3,100 inhabitants’ town. We want to support and strengthen a conscious and sustainable way of living.

Environmental services

What have already implemented:

  • plenty of exercise
  • integration of sustainable measures in everyday life (waste management)
  • mindfulness of local and seasonal food (school canteen, cooperation with local farmers and experts, R-PET – less sugar)

UmweltZEICHEN slogan:

… because…

… we do something good and we want to talk about it

… we want to be a role model to the people in our community

… we want to encourage people to reflect on and follow our good example