Höhere Technische Bundeslehr- und Versuchsanstalt Dornbirn

Höchsterstraße 73
6850 Dornbirn
Vorarlberg, Austria
HTBLuVA Dornbirn
  • UZ-LicenseS 071

 The HTL Dornbirn is a versatile, innovative school with tradition. It combines modern and proven educational methods with the requirements of technology and business. We want to rethink school and develop the future together.

HTBLu.VA Dornbirn currently educates around 1000 students in three departments.

Industrial Engineering

  • Business Informatics
  • E-Business & Logistics
  • Industrial Engineering & Management
  • Product Management & FutureTecs
  • College of Information Technology

Chemical Engineering

  • Chemical and environmental engineering
  • Textile Chemistry
  • College of Chemistry

Fashion design and graphics

Vorplatz der HTBLuVA Dornbirn