MUSIS - Der Steirische Museumsverband, Bereich Bildung
Strauchergasse 168020 Graz
Styria, Austria

MUSIS – The Styrian Museum Association is a network of people dedicated to the goal of a vibrant, attractive, sustainable and confident Styrian museum landscape. Since 1991, both the operators of small and large museums and collections, national and international partner institutions as well as interested visitors have been working together.
MUSIS – The Styrian Museum Association is the independent platform of the Styrian museums and mouthpiece, advocacy group, network partner and educational institution for the museums in Styria and beyond. Through the exchange of knowledge, we proactively provide self-help in all museum matters.We create awareness for sustainable, ethical and responsible museum work and support museums in their positioning as places of discussion for socially relevant issues in the context of our cultural heritage.