Land schafft Leben, Standort Wien
Schwarzenbergstraße 8, Top 11010 Wien
Vienna, Austria

„Land schafft Leben“ has been working towards sustainable consumption since 2014. „Land schafft Leben“ transparently and neutrally exhibits how food is produced in Austria. We additionally bring light to the entire value chain and in doing so illustrate how production takes place on site and on farms. We also show how processing takes place and how the finished product ends up in food trade, gastronomy and large kitchens. This enables customers to grasp the quality and value of Austrian food and make more conscious consumption decisions. Our educational mission is to promote the personal responsibility of „food enthusiasts“ and others (primarily pedagogues, students in the field of teaching, schoolchildren and intrested adults) by imparting food knowledge, nutrition education and consumer skills. The concept of „Land schafft Leben“ is based on the aspects of sustainability: ecology, economy, and social issues.