Wetrok AG
Steinackerstraße 628302 Kloten

Wetrok, a highly versatile and specialised Swiss company for next generation cleaning technology, plays a leading and ground-breaking role in the research and development of professional cleaning machines and chemical cleaning products. Featuring a full spectrum range of cleaning machines, equipment, and chemical products, Wetrok has become a one-stop shop for covering all client cleaning needs. Each Wetrok product is unique: Each one satisfies its claim for perfection regarding its use for a specific purpose, while at the same time fitting seamlessly into adjacent system areas. What’s more, Wetrok offers outstanding customer support, which creates optimised client proximity.
KWZ 109 E Sprinter ECO
KWZ 157 E SanDaily ECO
Wetrok Eco Calcitin
Wetrok Eco Calixin
Wetrok Ecofloor
Wetrok Ecosal
Wetrok Ecosan
Wetrok Ecovitral
Wetrok Novafloor
EAN: 7630049746091
Wetrok Novasan
EAN: 7630049747203
Wetrok Novasurf
EAN: 7630049746213