ORF Universum production produced green for the first time by Interspot Film: "Naturerbe Österreich - Die Nationalparks" (Natural Heritage Austria - The National Parks)
ORF sets a special sign on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the National Parks Austria: the production company Interspot Film produced the nature documentary for the first time according to the criteria of the Austrian Ecolabel.
Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler presented the Austrian Ecolabel for Green Producing to Interspot Managing Directors Nils & Nikolaus Klingohr. "Universum" head Gernot Lercher, ORF 2 channel manager Alexander Hofer and head of department Tom Matzek acknowledged the efforts to produce nature films in a comprehensively sustainable way.
Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler congratulated the producers and clients for this special film and thanked all exponent:s of the national park movement as well as ORF as client and especially the team of Interspot, who expressed their respect for our natural heritage during the shooting.

As a green film production awarded with the Austrian Ecolabel, attention was also paid to sustainability in detail, from the climate-friendly travel of the film crew to the energy-efficient camera and lighting technology:
During filming in the sensitive regions of the national parks, particularly intensive coordination was sought with the national park administrations. Lighting and cameras on location were powered only by rechargeable batteries without diesel generators. In the spirit of "Leave no trace", of course, no waste was left behind on location and car journeys were minimized by car pooling and careful route planning as well as the use of public transport. Overnight stays were made in hotels with eco-labels or with national park partners.
The fact that the entire Interspot production company has switched to certified green Ecolabel electricity means that other productions, such as Seitenblicke, which is also produced by Interspot, have also become a little greener as a result.

The Austrian Ecolabel for Green Producing in Films and Television is only awarded to film and television production companies that meet environmental criteria both on the film set and in the production office. Film production companies take a holistic approach to saving resources and being climate-friendly.
Currently, 11 Austrian production companies have already been awarded 21 Green Productions - from major feature films to daily news programs or TV series, and a number of other green productions are already in the pipeline.
Companies like Interspot Film are pioneers and show that climate protection measures can be implemented in all companies, be it through Ecolabel certification or environmental management systems like EMAS or by participating in the klima-aktiv programs. Creating a climate-friendly future is one of our most important tasks. For 30 years, the Austrian Ecolabel has been helping companies to design products and services in an environmentally and climate-friendly way.